#52Ancestors 2020 Post 12 – Fun Ancestor Assignment

Kendall Prince‎ posted a fun exercise to do on the Facebook Group, The Genealogy Squad. I thought it would be interesting to post my responses as part of the #52Ancestors Challenge.

Who is your oldest ancestor you know of? Philip Hulse (1515-1580) Marbury, Cheshire, England. The line allegedly goes back to the 1300’s.

Who is the oldest ancestor you actually have memories of? My Second great-grandmother, Mabel L. Roll Baumgartel, nee Pittman (1889-1972). I remember visiting her in Tampa, Florida, in 1969. As I entered the house, the living room was dark. I didn’t notice her sitting in the corner. She scared the bejezzus out of me.

Which ancestor died the youngest? Josephine K. Pittman, nee Woodburn (1872-1893). Married at 12 years of age, she had her first child at 15. She died six months after her third child was born.

Borden (Bob) H. Baumgartel, Jr and his sister, Olive A. Howes (Roll) a/k/a Alma Roll.

Which ancestor lived the longest? As of April 9, 2020; my half-great uncle Borden (Bob) H. Baumgartel (1922-2019).

Which ancestor has your favorite First name? There are several female ancestors with the name Adelaide, Adeline, or Ada.

Which ancestor has the most interesting job? Borden Baumgartel, Senior (1897-1944). Prior to and during the first World War he was a Western Union courier.

Which ancestor has your favorite surname? Roll. My mother added the extra ‘l’ to my given name as a nod to my grandmother’s maiden name “Roll.”

Which ancestor was born the farthest from where you are now? My great grandparents, Adam Budny and Marianna Borucka were born near Mamino, Poland; 5,145 miles by airplane from my current city.

Which ancestor had the most children? Several of my ancestors had ten each.

Which ancestor do you think lived the most interesting life? My uncle Douglas E. Howes. He was a mechanic in the Air Force. Opened a garage in Wayne, Michigan. Eventually moved to Gallup, New Mexico in the mid-1950’s. Initiated the first ambulance service in Gallup. He loved to fly and eventually bought his own plane.

I remember him flying from Gallup to the Port Elgin airstrip in Ontario, Canada in the early 1970’s. My family owned a cottage at Inverhuron Beach, Ontario. Uncle Doug came up to visit his mother, Olive Roll Howes. My mother, Shirley, said that Uncle Doug and his friend were quite broke when they flew up here. When he went back to Gallup, he built his auto parts store into a thriving business.

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